Can gratitude make the world a better place?

I haven't been blogging in a while, have I?

My last post was July of 2022... and here it is November 2023.  Well, a lot has happened in our world lately, some of it very unsettling.  The last two years especially, with the war in Ukraine and now the war in Israel.  

It's easy to focus on what's wrong with our supposedly civilized world... but I find that redirecting my attention to what's right with the world helps take the edge off the upsetting news we hear day after day.  

So, with Thanksgiving at the end of the month, I thought it would be appropriate to share with you one of my favorite songs ever.  When I first heard it, I had no idea who sang it.  I just heard an angel's voice and felt my eyes well up with tears from the mellifluous beauty of it.  When I learned that it was a song from an old movie (Godspell) I quickly scoured the Internet to find out who the singer was. I discovered the man behind the voice, Merrell Jackson.  And the song he sings is All Good Gifts.  <-- This is the scene where he sings the song in Godspell, and you might recognize Victor Garber in there! (And let me forewarn you, it's a 1973 film so don't expect much from the dancing!) 😆

There's a little sadness to the story though... Merrell is no longer with us.  He passed away in 1991 and when I learned that, I decided to make a Tribute Site for him, since there wasn't one already.  I am so happy that all the investigation into his life paid off, as this is his official online memorial (according to Wiki and  I have even been contacted by his family members, friends and castmates who verified and added to the information on the site.  There have been more than 110,000 visitors since its creation in 2007, along with 265 guestbook comments.  

"All good gifts around us... are sent from heaven above... so thank the Lord for all His love!"

I hope it lifts your spirits to hear this song, as it has always lifted mine.

So what are the good gifts around you?  What are you thankful for?  Birdsong in the morning... the view from your window... the smell after a rain... the sound of the ocean... the taste of your morning coffee/tea... your best friend who makes you laugh?

Let us stay in that uplifted state, and keep praying for "peace on earth, goodwill toward men."  I don't think it's toxic positivity... these are the very same words that a heavenly host of angels shared with the shepherds on the night of Christ's birth! (Luke 2:14)

And we know this can manifest because of another verse in Habakkuk... 

"For as the waters fill the sea, the earth will be filled with an awareness of the glory of the Lord." (Habakkuk 2:14)

Wow I just noticed both scripture verses are 2:14!  I didn't do that on purpose... synchy!

Merrell singing "All Good Gifts" in the film Godspell



  1. When we lived in Korea our oldest daughter was active in the community theater. They did "Godspell" and her boyfriend played Merrell. It was a wonderful performance. He was a wonderful singer and he's now a doctor!

    1. That would be a fun play to be in, for sure! Wow, a doctor who can sing! Thanks for sharing <3

  2. You're the epitome of synchyy. How you always manage to do that!!!

    1. Random, or meaningful, they sure are abundant!


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