
Showing posts from July, 2020

Captain's Log, Stardate Covid 19. Parallel Universe encountered.

CAPTAIN KIRK: " Crew, the time continuum has been disrupted, creating a new temporal event sequence resulting in this alternate reality.  Prepare for paradigm shift - unless - we can get back to the point before it skewed into the alternate year 2020.  Mr. Sulu, entangle those two wormholes, and set the navigation coordinates for May 2019.  Course trajectory:  Australia wildfires... then Wuhan China."   I imagine Captain Kirk was trained at Starfleet Academy for any emergency, and probably knew instinctively how to navigate through a parallel universe.  No d oubt , he aced Time Travel 101.  He could have figured out a way to go back to 2019, and fix everything without violating the Prime Directive, don't you think?   As captains  of our own individual ships... we may not feel as powerful as Kirk.  We've been red-pilled, unplugged, and thrust into an anti-matter duplicate alien world.  All the fiction sci-fi movies ever made now seem lik