
Showing posts from November, 2023

Can gratitude make the world a better place?

I haven't been blogging in a while, have I? My last post was July of 2022... and here it is November 2023.  Well, a lot has happened in our world lately, some of it very unsettling.  The last two years especially, with the war in Ukraine and now the war in Israel.   It's easy to focus on what's wrong with our supposedly civilized world... but I find that redirecting my attention to what's right with the world helps take the edge off the upsetting news we hear day after day.   So, with Thanksgiving at the end of the month, I thought it would be appropriate to share with you one of my favorite songs ever.  When I first heard it, I had no idea who sang it.  I just heard an angel's voice and felt my eyes well up with tears from the mellifluous beauty of it.  When I learned that it was a song from an old movie (Godspell) I quickly scoured the Internet to find out who the singer was. I discovered the man behind the voice, Merrell Jackson.  And the song he sings is  All Go